Is ‘We Suck’ inspirational leadership?

I heard Liz Wiseman speak recently (co-author of Multipliers)… on leadership styles. She asked the…

Naomi Simson
Naomi Simson family dexter

Coming Up this week 21 Feb

Last week was a fabulous week of learning… I have heard that CEOs must keep…

Naomi Simson

Could a 21 hour work week be good?

I mentioned last week in the post 'Can we Have it all' that we are…

Naomi Simson

Coming up this week 14 Feb 2011

Today is Valentines Day!... A wonderfully busy day at RedBalloon with thousands of gifts being…

Naomi Simson

Curious about Happiness?

I just had lunch with a colleague – Kate, a casual celebration of her third…

Naomi Simson

Can we have it all?

Have you ever felt that there are just not enough hours in the day? We…

Naomi Simson

Some days things don’t go as planned – but you still need a plan

With natural disasters in every corner of the country – one can’t help but think…

Naomi Simson
Naomi Simson RedBalloon Kochie TV appearances

Coming up this week – 7 Feb 2011.

Verne Harnish raised an interesting question this week in his Insights Newsletter… the notion that…

Naomi Simson

Help! Can we please all the people all the time?

Things often happen in threes, and today I have had three curly questions; one from…

Naomi Simson
Naomi Simson family

Coming Up this Week 31 Jan 2011

A real highlight last week was being part of the committee judging the finalists of…

Naomi Simson