Categories: Weekly Insights

Coming Up this week 21 Feb

Valentines Day at RedBalloon a visit from Nova Boy

Last week was a fabulous week of learning… I have heard that CEOs must keep learning to keep competitive. We all need to keep growing – and educating one’s self – it is one of the five elements of Wellness according to the New Economic Forum.

Learning of course is made so much easier if  it is something interesting, relevant and delivered well. I attended the Growth Summit last week, what a great way to check in with leading thinkers – the annual brain recharge. A fabulous way to catch up with other entrepreneurs from around the country. I’ll share in subsequent blog’s about some of the insights and how I think they apply. Like all education it is the gold we listen for – but when put in a room for a few days with highly intelligent people, there is simply more gold to be found.

This week:

Monday: One on Ones – and round table with leadership team to share discoveries from the Growth Summit.

Tuesday: My Birthday; ‘leading by example’ – I wont be in the office (all RedBallooners get their birthday off work

Wednesday: Meetings with potential business opportunities

Thursday: Speaking Engagement for Campari on the Customer experience – and filming of Deloitte’s Leadership academy.

Friday: RedBallooner health checks and breakfast with the entire team.

Naomi Simson :

View Comments (5)

  • Hello Naomi,

    I have just read your blog for this week and as usual I am inspired by your work inparticular as last night I started to read "I want what she's having". I truly appreciate your honesty and matter-of-fact advice and experiences.

    Warmest wishes for a wonderful birthday. I hope you have a lovely day.

    Kind regards

  • Hi Naomi, Just wanted to send you a quick message to say how much I enjoy your blog. I only recently subscribed after seeing you on Secret Millionaire. By coincidence it is also my birthday today [22/2]. I have a very small retail online gourmet food business that I run from home … started after leaving the big bad corporate world behind when my now 11 year old twins came along. I’m a chartered accountant but wanted to do something else & being an ”avid foodie” I thought I would give it a go. Working from home suits me well as it still gives me time to be involved with the children’s schooling [I'm also the president of the P&C] & other interests.
    The one thing I need to ”learn” more about is marketing my biz. As a chartered accountant I know how to run the business from an administrative & financial perspective, but I am constantly trying to learn & improve upon how to market the biz better.
    Happy Birthday & looking forward to future blog entries

  • Hi Jo-Ann

    Have you considered engaging someone with complimentary business skills to your own - a friend or family member? I would wager that a lot of the reasons for RedBalloons success come from the different skills Naomi and Peter bring to the business (Peter with the financial background like yourself and Naomi from a marketing perspective)

    I've listened to several entrepreneurs talk who've advised that it's preferential to do this so you can focus on developing your strengths - there's a prominent school of thought that this is the most productive use of your time.

  • Hi Jo-Ann,

    Yes I am fortunate that I have been 'in' marketing since last century... truly... and I am lucky to have strong people around me with other talents (including the financial acumen of Pete and his team)... however there is much I could add to this conversation... So I will write a blog on my most recent musings. Thanks for the inspiration.
