Categories: Scorecard

Can we have it all?

Have you ever felt that there are just not enough hours in the day? We all got issued the same number (24) I believe it is… how we choose to use those hours is what makes the difference.

I’m regularly asked the question, “How do you do it all?” My response is: “Who said I fit it all in?” My kids probably think I’m a lousy mother, and my dog definitely claims he is neglected!

Even if I don’t have a lot of time, I do make sure I focus on being in the moment. There is no point yearning to be somewhere else or playing the guilt game.

From a business perspective, work out what is really important, what you are best at, and get help with the rest.

As women, perpetuating the myth that we have to ‘do it all’ does everyone a disservice. As founder of a profitable business entering its tenth year, it does not help the younger generation of businesswomen if I say that starting RedBalloon as a mother of two young children was easy and I ‘did it all’.

The success of RedBalloon has been largely about me getting out of my own way and building a great team who share my vision and helping make it a reality each and every day.

My advice: get clear on your personal definition of success. It could be the corner office, millions in the bank, and a string of polo ponies. Or it may be married with three children, a house, and enough disposable income to take an overseas holiday once every two years.

My point: success is different to everybody and until you have your own definition of it, you’ll probably flounder wondering why you ‘can’t do it all’. It’s not about doing and having it all, it’s about understanding what your ‘all’ is and staying true to it.

We have theme’s at work – this year’s theme is Grow!…. my friend Maria also has a personal theme for the year. Which seems like a great way to set the scenario of what personal success means personally.

Naomi Simson :

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  • Naomi you read my facebook past last night didn't you? Come on, 'fess up!

    I must have written (and thought) almost word for word, the sentiments you have so beautifully enunciated here. No, we can't have it all. For many women though, there is no choice, it all has to be done, maybe because they missed out on educational opportunities and don't have the earnings capacity, have had some big curve balls thrown at them in life, or for whatever reason, have to manage as best they can. And their best is just fine. We push ourselves so hard to be all things our role models tell us we must aspire to be. It's just a shame it often takes until we reach our 40's or later to work out that what we are is not just ok but beautiful.

    • Sara - I guess this proves the point - we are all battling with it... and it is top of mind for many of us. With the school year back in full swing. The juggling begins again. And yes the older we get the more we can get things in perspective.

  • So many of us spend our lives trying to live up to what we think other people consider success to be, we don't consider that we are successful unless it is in the eyes of others. It is true (for me at least) that real success is not measured by the toys we own or the trips taken or even the titles on our business cards; an aspect of success for me is the measure of how my life has impacted others lives. Now the fact is that my financial life impacts the lives of my family as well as the people I do business with, and so necessarily financial considerations do play a part in success to the extent that they are well managed and my family feels secure...but that is only one aspect of what a successful life looks like for me.

    Thank you for your post Naomi.