Thanks to my Generation Y friends …. the future is very exciting.

I hear so much talk about what Gen Y is up to ? or not,…

Naomi Simson

Great Gift of History.

We live in a digital age, my mother fears that we will lose this generation…

Naomi Simson

Right time, right place, right attitude

Last night I met a group of 12 prospective members of the Entrepreneurs Organisation. We…

Naomi Simson

Clicking with technology

BlackBerry or crackberry? Some people love them could not run their businesses without them; others…

Naomi Simson

Time to plan.

I'm in planning today. We are creating the next trimester. This financial year we moved…

Naomi Simson

Creativity is King.

What it takes to ensure Creativity is King Further to yesterday's blog about Dan Pink's…

Naomi Simson

Dan Pink – creativity and empathy

Dan Pink - creativity and empathy presentation summary Dan Pink (author of 'A Whole New…

Naomi Simson

A Moment with Malcolm.

Meeting Malcolm Gladwell in person was quite a different experience to hearing him on stage.…

Naomi Simson

What are we saying about us?

I know about employee branding ? in theory anyway. That is how employees engage with…

Naomi Simson

Jim Collins beams in to Sydney

For an academic who does mammoth research projects and then writes about them, Jim is…

Naomi Simson