Categories: Marketing

My big secret…

Wrapped Gifts

Well, for those around me it is probably the worst kept secret… that in fact, my favourite colour is yellow.

I have always loved it. People assume that because I founded RedBalloon and am co-founder of The Big Red Group that my life is all about red.

For close to two decades I have been known as ‘that red lady’ or ‘the red shark’, so it’s not surprising that people assume it is my favourite colour.

RedBalloon was named after the 1956 Oscar award-winning movie “The Red Balloon” which I have written about. And it seemed only fitting that as we named the new group (of which I am co-founder) to take some of our heritage with us. Ultimately The Big Red Group was born.

However, now I get to have some fun.

I have always understood the importance of colour. As a student, I had seen my future as an artist — playing with colour every day would have been my dream job? Now, I see a way that I can bring colour to our world… in a much broader way.

Wrapped.com is all about putting a spot of colour in our world and becoming a destination for all things colour — which colour means what and why. You may well want to subscribe to our colour blog updates as we share our insights on colour, such as our first blog of the series:

Why Yellow is no Lemon of a colour

I thought it was important to write the brand story and to share the passion the team and I have for colour.

Wrapped Brand Story

Colour plays an important role in our world. It can sway thinking, change actions, and inspire reactions. It can irritate or soothe the eye; raise the heart rate; suppress, or increase, the appetite. Colour also helps express who we are, and how we want to be perceived by others.

As a form of communication, colour is powerful as it speaks all languages. Just imagine a monochrome world — for one, traffic intersections would be chaos! Colour really matters.

Aside from practicalities, colour conveys enormous meaning. Red is the colour of power and passion; while green is the colour of life and is thought to have healing properties. Simply consider for a moment how you feel when looking at nature in all her shades of green. Pretty powerful stuff, right?

Sometimes the right colour can be difficult to find. When you know that you want – whether it’s the perfect shade for a new home renovation, or a meaningful item in someone’s favourite hue. And that’s why we see a rainbow of opportunity in delivering the right colour to the right place at the right time.

And it doesn’t have to be hard or costly. We’re curating the best of the best; sourced from local small businesses, hobbyists and artisans around the world. Join us to discover what might ‘colour your world’ each week you will see the world of colour emerge.

Perhaps you would like to join Wrapped’s colour revolution and stay connected:

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We are all Wrapped in Colour — me particularly, considering we are launching with my favourite colour yellow.

You can view our initial Yellow range here… enjoy the little ray of sunshine.

Also published on Medium.

Naomi Simson :

View Comments (1)

  • I think Oranges were named first...
    I guess "Carrots" didnt really want to be called Long-Pointy's, but now when someone tries to tell me something is grapefruit coloured - well, that just confuses me!