Last week was one of those incredible weeks when a plan comes together. If I was to give it a theme it would be ‘Inspired Start Ups Center Stage’. From sharing the love with Ready to Soar for Business Management students at Queenwood School to BSchools #IdeaNation sponsored by ANZ Business Ready in Melbourne. I finished the week talking all things Live What You Love in Alice Springs for the Strata Managers conference. Shark Tank found its new place on Wednesday nights on Channel TEN with robust support from audiences around the nation. I ended the week attending the #SydneyChocolateBall raising much needed funds for research into FSDH.
Coming up
Monday: Interviews for a new team member and one-on-ones with all things Shark Tank
Tuesday: In Canberra talking Employees are the new Customer, and return for the EY Alumni event promoting Ready To Soar
Wednesday: In Melbourne talking Employer Branding, returning to Sydney in plenty of time to be the live tweeter for Shark Tank Episode 5
Thursday: A board meeting, photo shoot and lunch for Channel Ten as well as being a guest for EY Women’s fashion event
Friday: In Brisbane for the EY Alumni event promoting Ready To Soar – Then to Melbourne to catch up with family and friends (and a game of footy).
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