Categories: Problem Solving

RedBalloon named in National Innovation Award….

That headline sounds like a press release if you ask me…. but I can’t help myself I on behalf of the RedBalloon team was so truly honoured on Tuesday night to be the named the National winner of the Telstra Business Women’s Awards – Innovation – 2008

It was in fact, a festival to celebrate so many amazing women – all who have great stories. There was a common theme of passion, persistence and support. We had much time together – and it was such a delight to meet so many very very talented women from all walks of life. From policewomen to a university dean, an auditor general to a child care specialist.

I was delighted to be able to share this event with my family. My children dressed up – (my son thought he looked like James Bond) he was dressed in a black dinner suit and my daughter in an evening dress. Our table was a very noisy cheer squad… egged on by my children of course.

In my speech I spoke of the need for innovation in tough times, how out of scarcity great ideas a developed. RedBalloon continues to develop amazing technologies – such as GoDo.com.au and we will continue to do so… in so doing we add our little bit to changing the world. When I get the speech I will post it here.

Naomi Simson :

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  • Congratulations Naomi!

    Well done to you and your entire team at Red Balloon.

    My very best regards. Greg Talbot