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Mission and Vision statement

Mission and Vision statement

Mission Statements

Let’s think about the concept of a mission statement.

A mission statement is a declaration of what you intend to get done — it is all about doing. What if you look at it from another angle, maybe instead of looking at the ‘what’… it is more powerful to consider ‘why’.

The purpose of business is to make a difference in the world, but if you are a business owner you will know you cannot scale your business on your own. Being really clear on why we do what we do is a powerful driver that can be used to align the teams in a business.

My business purpose has had to be equally about the workplace that I create, as much as my commitment to my customer groups. I think that it is important to share, far and wide, your vision and your purpose — which are actually two different things.

If you’d like to delve further into your vision and purpose you might like to check out my new course, Building Your Business Brand… click through for details below.

Vision, Purpose and Mission

I have outlined some examples a vision, purpose and mission statement below:

A vision statement: Imagine when 1 million business owners are commercially successful because of the work we do, they are the life blood of a growing economy.
A purpose statement: We create incredible value for business owners, what we do inspires leadership, thriving workplaces and commercial outcomes for our clients.
A mission statement: We are ordinary people delivering extraordinary results for our customers because we get to do our best work and are proud of what we do.

Take a look at this minute long video of how the team at RedBalloon have encapsulated our purpose…

A BHAG statement is different again — it is possible but not probable. It is time based and numeric and you need to be able to keep a score board to see if you can achieve it.

Our BHAG at RedBalloon is: “By 2022 we will have delivered 10 million customers to the businesses that we service” (we are currently at 3.553million so we have a way to go…).

Are you on purpose?

Purpose always guides and directs a business (or you personally). It is the statement used to align each team member to the cause.

Here are two tests to see if you’re on purpose:

  • If you woke up tomorrow morning with enough money in the bank to retire, would you nevertheless keep wanting to do what you do?
  • When speaking to family, friends, colleagues or peers do you tell them why you do what you do, rather than what you do for a living? You’ll find that if you explain why, they’ll engage with you more and become genuinely interested in your story. When you know the difference you’re making to other people, you feel proud and that shows.

To get you thinking…

To invoke inspiration for you to create your own purpose statements, here are some examples of vision and purpose statements from brands you’re likely to recognise. If you don’t have a business, perhaps you can create a personal purpose statement.

Vision: To enrich and delight the world through foods and brands that matter.
Purpose: Nourishing families so they can flourish and thrive.

Vision: The prime driver in an all communicating world

Purpose: To create a brilliant connected future for everyone.

Purpose: Empowering people to stay a step ahead in life and in business.

Purpose: To help people manage risk and recover from the hardship of unexpected loss.

Now, let me ask you… how is the world a better place because you do what you do?

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