Categories: Entrepreneurs

Introducing Tiffani Bova – Sales Futurist

Meet Tiffani Bova

In September 2015 I sat listening to a woman who shared a vivid story of growth. A woman after my own heart, I was keen to connect with this like-minded woman. She has the most fantastic background (and title) – Sales Futurist, Growth Adviser and Customer experience advocate. Since I first met Tiffani, she has left her role as VP & Research Fellow at Gartner Inc. where she was for a decade and moved to Salesforce.com as the Customer Growth, and Innovation Evangelist.  We stayed connected and I met up with her again in Sydney recently.

Tiffani and I spoke extensively about her passion for innovation, customer experience and growth. We spoke about small business being the backbone of the economy. I shared with her what I was doing in connecting small businesses to ‘thought leaders’ and experts to help them get the insights they need to grow their business.

She immediately said, “How can I help?”

Interestingly when I hosted my first Facebook live session in our private group – as I reviewed the questions prior to the 15-minute session, the majority were about growth and sales strategies. So it is only fitting that the first subject matter expert for me to announce is an expert in all things sales, customers and growth – Tiffani Bova, based in the U.S., travels the world advocating for great customer experience.

I look forward to hosting Tiffani on a Facebook live (when I can sort out how to have us on air at the same time). In the mean time, make sure you go to join.naomisimson.com to join our closed community on Facebook. I will leave guidelines there on how to direct your questions to Tiffani.

(I also suggest you follow her on Twitter as her tweets are often rich with research data too).

Naomi Simson :