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Intention and entrepreneurship: in it for the long haul?

Before one embarks on a startup journey or begins to turn a business idea into a career, it’s important to strip back the grandiose dreams and ask yourself one simple question – why do you want to do it? Your dreams may be bigger than life, and that bold vision you hold is fantastic, but what I’ve found over the years is that analysing intention is so important.

When I take a step back and view my businesses from an objective standpoint, I am, for the most part able to analyse the intention of each action. This is not an arbitrary concept – intentionality is a practice I bring to work on a daily basis and it has assisted me greatly on my entrepreneurial journey.

I challenge you this week to take a moment to get intentional – rather than reacting to your week, get ahead of the game by being proactive. Without intention, it is easy to become complacent. If I’m ever feeling off kilter, I strip it back and get into alignment by remembering why I do what I do.

“Great companies don’t offer us something to buy. Great companies offer us something to buy into” ~ Simon Senek.

Last Week

What a week! Monday saw me working from RedBalloon offices then heading out to a  Boardroom Lunch with Lucy Turnbull on the Vision & Role of the Greater Sydney Commission.



On Tuesday I spoke at CeBIT StartUp and Pitch Fest at the International Conference Centre Sydney Where was presenting as part of the StartUp ecosystem.

After CeBIT I rushed back to the office to host a Facebook Live with Ben Simkin on growing your businesses using Facebook. If you missed that and are interested in the content, you can check out my recap here which has a special offer.

Mid-week I flew to Dubbo for another speaking gig for Dubbo City Council urging the audience to play a bigger game – and build their customer base through experience. I stayed overnight at Zoofari Lodge at Taronga Zoo Western Plains Zoo! A fantastic mid-week #zoofari surrounded by stunning wildlife… Made some great new long necked friends. 


Toward the end of the week I was on the road again, this time up north to beautiful Hamilton Island where I spoke to the Housing Industry Association. I was speaking about the elements to a growth strategy – one element of which is identifying the difference between leadership and management…

Book of the week 

This week I’m flashing back to a book I read a decade ago called ‘The Simple Truths of Service – Inspired by Johnny the Bagger’ by Ken Blanchard and Barbara Glanz. The book challenges us to think about something you can do for your customers to make them feel special, a memory that will make them want to come back or tell a friend. A very simple message. Click the image to grab your copy…

Thought for the week

What I’m reading

7 Lessons From 100+ Failed Startups – It is one thing to say it – but truly it is just not that easy there is no set and forget in business…

The Silent Tragedy Affecting Today’s Children – I wanted my kids to learn the 3 Rs: respect responsibility and resilience. Here’s why… it’s worth a read.

Business advice from Elon Musk and other smart business leaders – “There are many stumbling blocks when it comes to succeeding in the small business landscape… here are some words of wisdom from inspirational entrepreneurs who believe in hard work, passion and persistence.”

On the blog

This week I was on the blog discussing the difficulties of hiring quality employees… but perhaps it is time to think outside the box. Do you know anyone who needs a job?

Following on from the FB Live this week with Ben Simkin, I put together an overview of our discussion about how to make Facebook Ads work for your business. There’s also a special offer to grab the Facebook Ads Authority eBook and resource kit which will teach you how to get more leads, build brand awareness and make more sales.

In the Media

Ben Simkin Shares His Facebook Marketing Knowledge With Shark Tank Investor Naomi Simson

Where to get my books

Ready to Soar (how to turn your brilliant idea into a business you love) – grab chapter one for free here!
Live What You Love (When Passion and Purpose Change your Life.)

Quote of the week

Come and join me!

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