Categories: Scorecard

How significant is luck when it comes to success?

I was interviewed recently about being an Entrepreneur.. these are some of the answers I gave.

Having always believed that I am a lucky person. When I was about seven I won a whole jar of jelly beans because I guessed the right number in the jar. When I joined the cross country team in high school on the first run I found a $10 note. If I enter a competition then I always think I’m going to win…(I don’t always) funnily I never buy a lottery ticket.

I’ve always thought that I am lucky… but I do think that positivity attracts luck. Of course, I was going to ‘get’ the job in NYC straight out of University – because I believed in my heart that I was lucky.

To not think of yourself as lucky does not mean that you won’t be successful it just means that you will have to work a lot harder at it. But persistence too plays a big role in success

Naomi Simson :

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  • Hi Naomi,

    I think Gary Player's quote sums up your blog nicely - “The harder you work, the luckier you get.”

    I believe you can create your own luck, you just have to make sure you are putting yourself in the right place at the right time. Things don't just come to you, you have to put yourself out there and you never know where you'll end up.

    You might even surprise yourself, for me I got to work at RedBalloon!
