Categories: Thriving Leaders

Help me research for my book…

I’m feeling great… full of the joys of life. I have walked to work with my dog Dexter – people have smiled as we walked, delighted by his youthful enthusiasm. The sun is shining, and I am looking forward to being in the office – getting lot’s done – but mainly listening to those around me, including customers about their day – as well as noticing the contribution that people make – and letting them know it is appreciated.

As a leader, when I walk into the office sparkling those around me sparkle too. I have been quoted many times as saying ‘if it is meant to be it is up to me’ – this also has to do with our own well being. If we look after ourselves, we have the energy and enthusiasm to support others.

Consider the 5 elements of well being:  learning, being present, being connected, being physically active and giving. Each day I know I must invest at least an hour in these things. And giving for me is about being generous with my love and attention to others – simple appreciation.

My intention is that I lead by example – that my enthusiasm and appreciation is contagious. They say that ‘happiness’ is infectious by at least three degrees. For instance if you give the gift of thanks to someone at work – both people feel fantastic – but not only that both giver and receiver are likely to carry that feeling of well being home with them – meaning that the happiness is shared – and we all have a good day.

I have been researching for my new book ‘stories of thanks’ – where the simplest story of appreciation has made someone’s day… we have put together a website to capture these stories. So please do share – make someone’s day by sharing the ‘gift of thanks’.

Notice someone in your life who has done something for you or for someone else and really authentically thank them – and maybe even tell me about it too. I would love to hear.

I challenge you to thank 5 people today… and do it for the next 21 days. Make a diary not of how you felt, and who and how you impacted another person. Tell me what you discovered.

Thank you. Thanks for taking your precious moments to read this missive, thank you for contemplating making a difference to someone else – and thank you in advance for sharing your story, and an even bigger thanks for taking up the challenge of appreciating five people for the next 21 days.

Naomi Simson :