Growth Guy – Verne Harnish
I met Growth Guy – Verne Harnish several years ago (author of Mastering the Rockefeller Habits)
I have been to several of his events – and every time I go I learn new things. You can imagine how chuffed I was to be invited to speak with him on his upcoming Australian tour. There is no doubt that Verne’s sessions have given me a framework for growth. My only regret was that I did not take more of my team to more of the events. The one-page plan gives a great way to get the team thinking outside the box and creating the future how you want it to be.
It will be an event to remember, Verne is consistently passionate and his enthusiasm is infectious.
Here are the dates in Australia and if you want some more info the organisers have all the details.
- Brisbane – Tuesday 24 October – Brisbane Convention Centre
- Melbourne – Wednesday 25 October – Sofitel
- Sydney – Thursday 26 October – Star City
If you end up coming make sure you come and say hi.
If you can’t of the date is past may I suggest this is a great book to get you started on your own growth journey.
Mastering the Rockefeller Habits: What You Must Do to Increase the Value of Your Fast-Growing Firm
Fast-Growing Company Defined A gazelle company is an American expression for small,fast growing companies,that creates many job opportunities.