Categories: Employee WellbeingProblem Solving

Grateful for the noisy sounds of silence

I have found myself a few extra (unplanned) days in Exmouth WA – as all the planes are grounded. It is quite an interesting sensation to be given two extra days of holiday. I was already mentally making note of all the things that need to be done on my return, plans to be reviewed, evaluations to be done, budgets to be approved – it is after all only a few weeks to the end of the financial year.

Instead of writing a blog – requesting that you complete the 2011 Dream Employer Survey (please do though as it will take only 3 minutes); I am reflecting on the past week of fabulous experiences. To take a moment to breath and relive the extraordinary experiences we have available to us in this great country.

I have wanted to swim with Whale Sharks for more than a decade… and finally I got to tick that one off the list. The experience was everything that I imagined it might be. It was truly sublime to be drifting next to the largest fish on earth.  It puts life into perspective as you float in the warm current next to a seven-meter creature. Little is known about where they come from or migrate to. It is a moment to feel how small we really are – and that we are part of a massive eco system that is all inter reliant.

The sun has shone for the whole week – and the wind has blown. But with the wind behind us the three day – 30km kayak / camping trip along the Ningaloo reef was majestic.

All types of marine life came to greet us – turtles, manta-rays, sting rays, sharks, scores of fish, birds and dolphins. The reef was a seething mass of life – literally the ocean would be boiling with fish – the food chain in all its reality.

Camping on the beach, cooking what we caught, sleeping as soon as the sun went down. No contact with the world – I was amazed how quickly the days passed, how calm I felt, how I loved the silence of the bush and ocean (which are actually very noisy). How peaceful it was.

What wonderful RedBalloon experience partners we have.. and great to meet them in person.

I’m truly rested, grateful for being able to go on such a break, and will spend the next few days feeling appreciative of the beauty of an untouched piece of the planet.

Naomi Simson :