Categories: Thriving LeadersWeekly Insights

Exhilerating week to amplify Australian leadership

Layne Beachley and I ... nothing like trying to learn from the best..

Last week was one ‘out of the box’… a moment to reflect on the momentum that is gathering around entrepreneurship and leadership throughout the Australian business community. Some years ago I used to write posts about ‘what is coming up for me this week’ – but I think far more interesting is what I got up to in the previous week.
In the past seven days:
I have had a surfing lesson with Layne Beachley (What an inspirational Australian role model and leader)

I did three interviews for three vastly different audiences – all looking at different angles ie Virgin’s Voyeur (which will appear in December edition), Womens Agenda  and ABC TV News24 (which will air in a month)

I delivered three speaking engagements on three topics. One for CPA Australia national congress, one for Microsoft and one for Marie Claire Success Summit.

I attended two fantastic events to celebrate women’s achievements in the community. The 100 Women In Influence and the NSW Telstra Business Womens Awards.

I finalized the final final edit of my new book and sent it off to the publisher – set for a March release.

And I had numerous very important meetings to keep the game moving ahead with strategic opportunities for RedBalloon.

And capped the week off with a blog or two. Whilst finally sorting out my social media, I have just started to use Instagram, I have set up a public FaceBook page and also a public Google+ page (links below). Please join me as part of any of these conversations amplifying the entrepreneurial spirit of Australian business.




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What fun…. surely this week could not top the week that just passed…

Here is a small selection from Instagram

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Naomi Simson :