Categories: Weekly Insights

Coming up this week 8 August 2011

What a wonderful weekend of celebration for the RedBalloon team at Fraser Island. Great to get together, have a few laughs and launching the theme for 2012. ‘Small things BIG impact’ – to the song of Bear Grylls We have asked the team to identify and quantify the things that could make a big difference to the bottom line and ultimately achieving our Big Hairy Audacious Goal. For instance Trudy has already identified that if we reduce the weight of our packaging by 5gms we could save 50cents on postage. All very positive.

I had a wonderful weekend and was so proud of the team when they really, truly, deeply thanked our 4wd driver in a completely RedBalloon way. Cheering, then chanting, whistling for a good five minutes. Bryan, the driver shared with me – he had never had a more enthusiastic and happy group – and he had never ever been acknowledged in that way… there was a little tear in his eye. I know we made his day… not hard and we all felt wonderful. If you have a thank you story please do add it to the collection.

Coming up this week

Monday: Lunch at Westpac with Gail Kelly

Tuesday: Gold Coast Speaking engagement for IBM

Wednesday: An education event at the Ceremonial Court Sydney

Thursday: Speaking engagement for ACP

Friday: Melbourne Client meetings

Reading: Hector and the Search for Happiness

Naomi Simson :