The ten things I do to be productive.

These are my set of rules that I use to keep myself productive? 1. Create…

Naomi Simson

Living up to expectations

"Many people have gone further than they imagined they could, because somebody else thought they…

Naomi Simson

Getting people talking..

In the early days at RedBalloon we got so many things wrong...it's quite embarrassing now…

Naomi Simson

Crisis versus Opportunity

"The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word 'crisis.' One brush stroke stands…

Naomi Simson

Half a decade of being CEO

When did I start paying myself? This is another question from the Amcham event (there…

Naomi Simson

Fun, games and celebrations.

Do you celebrate achievements ? How? I was asked this question a few weeks ago…

Naomi Simson

Oh what fun we had at the Virgin Charity Ball.

I don't often comment on my out of hours activities but attending the largest ball…

Naomi Simson

An Australian iconic brand extension

Some say Riviera boats are an Australian icon ? but you need to be in…

Naomi Simson

The numbers are different but they all mean the same thing.

I was reading the statistics column in the Good Weekend a few weeks ago and…

Naomi Simson

The Buck Stops Here

I love this one! I just heard it today - it sums up what I…

Naomi Simson