Jack Daly: Back to basics in the sales game

Clearly, I met and learned a lot in my four days in Tokyo. Jack presented…

Naomi Simson

Ideas and Innovation

"If I'd asked the customer he would have asked for a faster horse" Henry Ford.…

Naomi Simson

Blowfish experience, a lesson in customer delight.

I had heard vaguely of blowfish before coming to Tokyo. So when I was invited…

Naomi Simson

Benchmarking versus blue ocean strategy

If you want to stand out in business stop looking at what others are doing.…

Naomi Simson

Success is in the eye of the beholder

I was asked to define success...This is what I came up with. How do you…

Naomi Simson

Tuna in Tokyo – a lesson on supply and demand

In addition to the many things, I learned be attending the global entrepreneur's event in…

Naomi Simson

Tokyo Tour

I have been at in Tokyo and a Global Entrepreneurs Conference. So I will share…

Naomi Simson

Active listening

I got a letter today from someone who said: "I can never get hold of…

Naomi Simson

Work-life imbalance

Look what we discovered this week: More than half of Australians feel they are missing…

Naomi Simson

We’re going to be on the ‘telly’ Sunday morning.

Business Success program came to interview me a few weeks ago. They asked some questions…

Naomi Simson