Pleasure from leisure rather than stuff…

"Men fancy that external goods are the cause of happiness but leisure itself gives pleasure…

Naomi Simson

30,000 opportunities to give a good time.

I sit here just before we break for Christmas and I feel absolutely humbled by…

Naomi Simson

This season is really a reminder to notice what others do.

"Somewhere, somehow, the kindness of another person has changed your life for the better. Even…

Naomi Simson

Tips on getting noticed.

A little thanks goes a long way – and will really get you noticed. Given…

Naomi Simson

Attachment before engagement

There is not one business owner I've met who isn't talking about the attraction and…

Naomi Simson

Does the work day ever end?

There is an absolute melding between what is work life and what is leisure. The…

Naomi Simson

Generation Why?

I know I have blogged before that in my opinion, Gen Y  is no different…

Naomi Simson

Staying ahead of the game.

I've been writing posts over the past few days about the things that I learned…

Naomi Simson

Are you having a good time every day?

I just attended a keynote from the author of Now Discover your Strengths - Marcus…

Naomi Simson

Latest thoughts on business growth

We got a quick update on his latest thinking and what Verne Harnish has been…

Naomi Simson