Customer Connection Leads To Customer Experience

Connecting With Customers I was sent this email by one of my team members, Arielle,…

Naomi Simson

It’s ok to have fun in business…..

Years ago I heard Ike Bain (right-hand man to Dick Smith - and author of…

Naomi Simson

Rolling out the Red Carpet.

There is a very real reason why I call myself the chief experience officer (CEO).…

Naomi Simson

Being happy is infectious.

Every day when I am getting ready for work.... I think about how my day…

Naomi Simson

A Steve Jobs’ Lesson in Leadership

I have long been an admirer of all things Apple. I worked for them many…

Naomi Simson

The Stuff Story

If you've ever heard me speak or read my book.... you know I have a…

Naomi Simson

We want to have fun and be noticed.

Imagine nearly half the working population is not happy at work doing what they are…

Naomi Simson

If I had my time again…

I am often asked what would I do differently this time if I was to…

Naomi Simson

I love a good read…

As some of you may know RedBalloon is a big supporter of children's charities. Business…

Naomi Simson

Identity and experience

One of the statements we use regularly at RedBalloon is “Life is the sum of…

Naomi Simson