Doing things differently

I think one of the reasons for our recent Hewitt employee engagement score of 97%…

Naomi Simson

Cutting costs – at what cost

Efficient businesses continually look at ways to reduce overheads and increasing productivity, however, there are…

Naomi Simson

Three ideas to getting a fitter workplace…

I have often heard of people working in agencies, who work phenomenal hours. They are…

Naomi Simson

First Steps..

"Vision is not enough; it must be combined with venture. It is not enough to…

Naomi Simson

Number One Distraction at work

If you know me,  you know I love to talk. (Luckily I even get paid…

Naomi Simson

Lessons learned in Kindergarten still apply

It might sound basic but one of the key questions I get asked is how…

Naomi Simson

Four key elements to authentic leadership

I was asked to speak recently to an audience of women executives on the difference…

Naomi Simson

Shared success

"Success is counted not by how high you have climbed, but by how many people…

Naomi Simson

Top 5 priorities for women – its all about the customer experience

A recent attitudinal study about women conducted by Marie Claire in the US gives a…

Naomi Simson

The sweetest name is our own.

I read recently that 15% of people are called something they don't like at work…

Naomi Simson