The Next Generation of Female Leaders

Female Leaders Presenting to 150 fifteen-year-old girls is probably one of the tougher gigs that…

Naomi Simson

Four Lessons From Being A ‘Secret Millionaire’

Secret Millionaire Some years ago I was asked to go undercover to be part of…

Naomi Simson

A ‘Namby-Pamby’ Management Revolution?

Management Revolution I received the email below yesterday, just after RedBalloon for Corporate hosted a…

Naomi Simson

3 Tips on Giving Great Gifts

Giving Great Gifts To give or not to give - that is the question. Giving…

Naomi Simson

What RedBalloon Did In The ‘Downturn’

Leadership In Crisis In 2009, RedBalloon made the BRW fast list for the sixth time…

Naomi Simson

Respond With Positivity and Purpose

Positivity and Purpose Someone I had not seen for a while heard me present at…

Naomi Simson

Employee Engagement Effects – The Bottom-Line

Employee Engagement Effects This week I've been in Perth, Brisbane, Melbourne then home to Sydney.…

Naomi Simson

Defining Terms of Employee Engagement

Terms of Employee Engagement I'm sometimes invited to sit with organisations to support them designing…

Naomi Simson

Stressed? Get Rid Of All Your Stuff

De-stress By Decluttering I've just had a brilliant idea – instead of reducing clutter (taking…

Naomi Simson

Urgent VS Important – How To Prioritise

How to Prioritise Some days I just need to get things in perspective. Too much…

Naomi Simson