Friday Fact: Facebook tops Google in US weekly traffic

I think this 4 minute video is well worth a watch. Is Social Media a…

Naomi Simson

Google’s US$233 million shortsighted waste

When my colleague Matt told me of Google’s ‘salary and bonus’ plan to reduce its…

Naomi Simson

Role models

This morning I did a Mysore yoga session – these are not classes as such…

Naomi Simson

Peace, tranquility and discovery.

One of the fabulous parts of my role is visiting and experiencing the amazing range…

Naomi Simson

Naomi Simson’s Brand Story

Naomi Simson's Brand Story At the launch event for the Dream Employers, as a participant…

Naomi Simson

73% Say ‘I Dream of Being Somewhere Else’

Dream of Leaving Your Job This morning I participated in the ‘Dream Employers’ launch event…

Naomi Simson

Three Lessons on Respect in Business

Respect in Business Respect in business is critical. But, time and time again, off-the-cuff sexual…

Naomi Simson

Five lessons From Legendary Brands

Lessons From Legendary Brands I'm at the Marcus Evans CMO (chief marketing officer) Summit on…

Naomi Simson

Three Lessons For Sustainable Growth From Maccas’ First Employee

Lessons For Sustainable Growth I had the delight of my colleague Jemma (Redii GM) sharing…

Naomi Simson

Wisdom From Richard Branson On Brands And People

Wisdom From Richard Branson Richard Branson has been in town this week… and I was…

Naomi Simson