What would you pay for better customer service?

The American Express Global Customer Service Barometer found that Australian’s will pay more – in…

Naomi Simson

Coming up 9 July 2012

Last week was the juggle between school holidays and the beginning of the financial year.…

Naomi Simson

Eight Tips on Productivity vs One simple addage

I am quietly musing to myself – laughing on the inside really. I sat down…

Naomi Simson

I am an entrepreneur

A wonderful friend (Emma Isaacs) sent me this quote earlier today. It could be the…

Naomi Simson

Best Workplaces or Toxic Workplaces

I have a question that I keep asking myself – ‘Why is it that some…

Naomi Simson

Seen yet unknown

As I fast approach the release of my next little book - and as I…

Naomi Simson

10 tips to transform workplaces

More than three-quarters (77 per cent) of employees would consider leaving their organisation if they…

Naomi Simson

Coming up this week 4 June 2012

The end of financial year is fast approaching and like my colleagues I am focused…

Naomi Simson

Face it, social media is not ‘the big answer’ to customer engagement

This is the article in full that appeared in the Australian this morning...here it is…

Naomi Simson

Trappings of Success

I’ve watched with interest the controversy in recent weeks regarding Mark Zuckerberg’s continued wearing of…

Naomi Simson