Three things young women in business need to know

[Posted to LinkedIn a few weeks ago - and it came in as #11 the…

Naomi Simson

5 ways to be Cheap, Cheerful and Impactful – this Christmas

Well I don't exactly like the word 'cheap' - but it rhymed with cheerful... what…

Naomi Simson

Creativity creates the competitive edge

With Christmas rushing headlong towards us – last years innovations are now in full swing…

Naomi Simson

Two Steps towards Success

  Now before I even start  talking about 'success' let's define it. Everyone has a…

Naomi Simson

What do you do with ‘odd’ emails – hit delete?

I get some interesting emails. What would you do with this one? That arrived at…

Naomi Simson

Sage advice – or shameless promotion… you choose


Naomi Simson

Three things I wish I’d known when I started my business

[Originally appeared on LinkedIn] I think back more than a decade to the moment when…

Naomi Simson

10,000 moments of happiness

A few weeks ago I decided to run a LinkedIn poll, after I had read…

Naomi Simson

Our educators create our future

Schools are major employers - and how their employees speak about them effects their brand…

Naomi Simson

Coming up this week 26 November 2012

It has been a few weeks since I managed to sit and write what I…

Naomi Simson