Shark Tank Australia S1 Episode Eleven on TEN

In reviewing my notes for this episode I was left feeling a little sad. I…

Naomi Simson

When the big fear gets in your way: failure.

A blank white screen has been sitting before me for a little too long, and…

Naomi Simson

Shark Tank S1 Australia Episode Ten on TEN

'Youth' might be the theme of this weeks episode. With two entrepreneurs under the age…

Naomi Simson

Good is the enemy of Great – Jim Collins

It is now more than a month since I sat enthralled with thousands of other…

Naomi Simson

Shark Tank Australia S1 Episode Nine on TEN

In some ways Episode Nine was all about family. I think many people would have…

Naomi Simson

The future of retail… Why Freckleberry changed its spots?

Is the end of bricks and mortar retail approaching? In the most recent episode of…

Naomi Simson

Has Shark Tank made pitching the new Aussie national sport?

Move over Monopoly, Scrabble and Jenga; there’s a new game in town, and I seem…

Naomi Simson

Shark Tank Australia S1 Episode Eight on TEN

Here are my notes that I took on set during the shooting of this episode.…

Naomi Simson

Where it all began…A checklist for Start Up businesses

"How did you start?" is the question that I get asked most, which is a…

Naomi Simson

Why “I didn’t know” is no excuse

This article first appeared on LinkedIn in March 2015. I was always getting into trouble…

Naomi Simson