Five habits for creating long-term happiness.

#TBT - Over a 'lunch n learn' session with the Redii team on Tuesday we…

Naomi Simson

4 ways to unite people in the ‘gig economy’ age

The way we work has changed so dramatically since I started my career - there…

Naomi Simson

What ever happened to….

We all love a success story; now I find quite regularly that the first question…

Naomi Simson

Spending money to make money

So this week I have been quoted as saying “recognising your people is not about…

Naomi Simson

Requests for Mentorship

I feel flattered every time that someone contacts me to ask if I will mentor…

Naomi Simson

How to add $100,000 to your bottom line

We have never lived in a more ‘abundant’ time – despite the fact that there…

Naomi Simson

This experiment – touched, moved and inspired me

Do you know people who seem to be grumpy every day? When my colleague Claire…

Naomi Simson

10 ways to be brave enough to ‘Seize the Day’

It is one thing to say 'Seize the Day' - but it is another to…

Naomi Simson

5 things I was looking for in the pitches on Shark Tank Series 2

After every episode, the social team from Channel Ten have been diligently updating the leaderboard…

Naomi Simson

Turning the performance review on its head

When you hear the term ‘performance review,’ what is your immediate reaction: relish or dread?…

Naomi Simson