"Never Give Up" – Courier Mail 3 July 2006

I was asked to write a column about investments and financial security for the Courier…

Naomi Simson

What’s in a name.

I have been asked many times, 'Where did the name come from?'. Some have commented…

Naomi Simson

What does it mean to be an entrepreneur?

I had the fantastic opportunity to be selected for the Entrepreneur's Advanced Business Program at…

Naomi Simson

Free Advertising!

Well there is no such thing as a free lunch...however according to Gallup Organisation in…

Naomi Simson

When advertising just does not work

I love to say at my speaking engagements "There is no integrity in advertising." I…

Naomi Simson

Listening for Gold

Eric Rush was one of the keynote speakers at an Entrepreneur?s conference that I attended…

Naomi Simson

It’s a choice

He who can thinks he can, and he who can't thinks he can't. This is…

Naomi Simson

So how was it for you?

I have never feared customer feedback! In fact I welcome it and encourage it. Everyone…

Naomi Simson

My Day at the zoo!

I woke up to one of Auckland?s 'disgusting' winter days. Not only was there torrential…

Naomi Simson

This is why I’m passionate about pleasure.

I spoke to a client recently (I love to pick up the phones). He said…

Naomi Simson