Categories: Scorecard

Are we there yet?

I have been doing a lot of speaking engagements lately, with the launch of the book people are sort of curious about the story. I often begin the session by asking cheekily ‘Are we there yet?’

Who truly believes that one day everything will be perfect, all their emails answered, all their blogs are written on time, all their systems set up, and everything will run without a hitch and according to plan. (Surely everyone else’s life is running far more smoothly than my own, which is why I titled the book ‘I want what she’s having’ the greatest marketing line in history.)

This is the real world, the bigger the game the bigger the challenges, the more you take on the more there is to do.

As my husband often remarks, if running a fast growing business was easy ? everyone would do it.

The thing is to stay focused on the game, the vision, the plan. Stuff happens. It is how we deal with that stuff that makes the difference. To see beyond the immediate setbacks ? to continue to innovate, to make a stand for what you know is possible, that is what it is to be an entrepreneur.

It can be a bumpy journey, but would we have it any other way.

Naomi Simson :