Categories: Thriving Leaders

A simple story in recognition.

Two past RedBallooners (and me supporting them) who are now working in NYC

Over the past 10 years RedBalloon has had many members of the team leave the business often to run their own show, travel, take on study or leave to work elsewhere. RedBalloon has been part of their personal journey, part of their learning, development and education – we have impacted and supported them. And in return they have appreciated being part of RedBalloon.

On a personal level we are often sad to say good-bye given that we experience so much together; they often have become great friends. One of my colleagues who left for a promotion to another company – lamented that ‘it just won’t be like RedBalloon’ and I responded – “that it was now up to him – to take all that he has learned about the power of employee engagement and shared values and create that in his new workspace.”

Another colleague who went to work with Disabled Skiers in the US wrote to me to say “as a result of working at RedBalloon and learning how to execute growth strategies and being a values based business – there are 100s of disabled people who are now having a far better experience.” I was so touched that she took a moment to let me know.

I was delighted to receive the email below from a colleague who left to follow the love of her life to New York. At RedBalloon we don’t take recognition for granted – we believe it is all about the authentic, real and timely acknowledgement of really ‘knowing’ our people. And it is wonderful to know that we are spreading the word.

Hello Ladies! I hope all is well. We are melting in the June heat wave here, but otherwise ticking along just fine.

Had a great experience of recognition last night and immediately thought of you gals:

I started my new job about 2 months ago. At the time, I had planned on going to Paris for my (30th!) birthday and had the vacation days pre-approved. Once I started work, however, a big project launch was scheduled for around the same time and I was clear that I would not be able to take my trip— since I was planning on traveling alone, thankfully, this did not ruin anyone else’s plans, but of course it was a disappointment for me. When the project was cancelled at the last minute and quite unexpectedly, I was frustrated that all my work had been in vain, and immediately thought, “I could have gone to Paris!” Last night, a very senior member of the company approached me and said “I heard you cancelled a trip to Paris for us… and whilst its not Paris, at least its French…” and he handed me a generous gift certificate to a new, swanky French restaurant downtown. I was humbled and surprised— not only for being recognized by a senior person for all the hard work I had done but the extra nod to my trip was very thoughtful. This morning, I couldn’t stop smiling and got to work early to be extra prepared for a meeting with the same senior person— it makes me want to do good work for him. Mostly, it reminded me of my days at RedBalloon — I haven’t been “recognized” like that since then and it made me remember how good it feels!

I hope that all is well in Pyrmont and you are living the value of FUN every day! I think of you all often— please keep in touch and definitely let me know if anything brings you to NYC, I would love to catch up.

Wonderful! Not only that they get to carry the story on – but that past RedBallooners take a moment to recognize us and the impact we had…

Naomi Simson :