As Jemma left the office today I said 14 March 2007 starts the next great chapter in RedBalloon’s journey. We are now in our sixth year and we have just launched website number six!. It is not completed yet, the enhancements are all based on customer feedback and watching how people browse and search the site. So I thought it worthwhile to continue to document the evolution of a website. I know in five years we will look back and think how archaic! But I am very proud of Jemma, Rob and Steph – plus help from many others. We look back at what we did only a few years ago and think how outdated they are – yet at the time we loved them.

Frank Stillone says
your emails ays to click the link below to look at the other webistes, but the link below is to un-subscribe. Luckilty it was easy to subscribe again, but I thought I would let you know.