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Naomi Simson

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Pearl of wisdom from Homer

Gallup Organization talks about the cost to business of disengaged employees that is that employees aren’t just unhappy at work; they’re busy acting out their… 

Thriving Leaders

What do customers say about you?

Have you heard of the ‘Gold Fish Principle’? It’s not new but it is worth being reminded that many businesses treat customers as fish, that… 


Unreasonable George…

You may have come across these before. I had a very challenging day yesterday and I had to remind myself that ‘if it was easy… 


First Impressions.

I have quoted the figure that a third of people will decide in their first month when they are going to leave an organisation in… 

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The Power of Proof

We can track, watch and measure the results of our marketing activity more than we have ever been able to before. (When I started in… 

Customer Experience

What is Brand Engagement?

I’ve just been at the Brand Engagement conference in New York, and there is much discussion about its definition. After attending many sessions (which I… 


Success to Significance.

It’s all about the why. Simon Sinek is a consultant based in NY who worked out after some years of operating his small consulting practice… 



“Employees who are valued add more value” Rodger Stotz Research Committee Chair, Incentive Research Foundation and Forum ofr People Performance Management and Measurement

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